Refugee Trauma Management and Gender Perspective Integration in Humanitarian Assistance | Professional training for specialists
A.L.E.G. association is organizing a specialized training addressed to people offering psycho-social assistance to refugees (public and private institutions employees, social workers, educators, doctors, paramedics, volunteers, translators, psychologists, etc.) in order to support them in providing trauma informed and gender sensitive interventions.
With work experience in countries like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Siria, VOICE organization will cover aspects related to trauma management in humanitarian crises context. Working for more than 15 years in gender equality awareness and prevention, but also in domestic violence counseling and intervention, A.L.E.G. association will bring women’s rights and gender based violence aspects during the workshops.
📚 Workshop topics.
- Understanding stress and trauma and their impact
- Understanding social implications of stress and trauma
- Skills and tools to promote trauma-informed interaction (including the 6 principles of trauma informed care)
- Coping with Stress and Trauma as helpers (this is from a “self-care” perspective)
- Gender based violence: how do I recognise it and how do I help?
Specialists: Michelle Girard (VOICE); Camelia Proca & Iulia Popa (A.L.E.G.)
The workshop will take place during 2 days in Sibiu according to the schedule below:
9th of June: 14:00 – 17:00
10th of June: 9:00 – 17:00
📍Location: Sibiu, str. Mitropoliei, nr. 28, DWS center
Sign up form:
*Free access based on completing the form. The number of participants is limited. Simultaneous translation will be covered in RO-EN.
The workshop is organized by A.L.E.G. association (, in collaboration with VOICE with the support of the International Rescue Committee Balkans.