WAVE Call for Artworks promoting Women’s Rights
WAVE Network is the European network of women’s organizations, focusing on the elimination of violence against women and children. Established in 1994, it now consists of more than 150 member organizations. The Step Up! Campaign is a Europe-wide campaign of the WAVE Network, promoting efforts to stop violence against women, raising awareness of the issue, and protecting survivors of violence against women and girls.
For the third year in a row, we are commissioning a special artistic motif to be printed on our tote bags. If you are a female graphic artist who is passionate about creating socially engaging art, while trying to initiate a positive change in the society, we would like to invite you to take part in our call!
We are calling upon you to imagine and present your vision and interpretation of an inspirational woman, a moment in her everyday life, her heroic moments… whatever you find inspirational in a woman’s life for artistic depiction!
Your application should consist of:
• the artwork, submitted as a pdf file (in case of more submissions by the same artist, please send them as separate pdf files), suited for one-colour silkscreen printing technique (resolution 300 dpi) sent to campaign@wave-network.org
• a short biography of the artist; please include your contact details and relevant social media links (Instagram, Facebook, web page etc.) through which you promote your work;
• scan of a signed short statement, allowing the WAVE Network to use your artwork as a tote-bag motif for 2020 and promote it through the WAVE Network and the Step Up! Campaign in 2020-21. Your rights as an artist are fully respected, and your intellectual property fully protected. There is no age brackets for this call, however, applicants under 18 years of age should submit their parent’s consent in writing, and signed.
The chosen artist will:
• receive a prize of 300 Euro;
• have their artwork printed as a motif on the 2020 tote bag of the WAVE Network, as well as distributed and promoted through WAVE Network channels;
• receive 10 tote bags with the printed motif.
The call is open to female artists, from 1 May until 15 July 2020.
The Step Up! Campaign and WAVE Network will announce the chosen artist and the motif by 31 August 2020.