Ending harassment in the world of work...
On 11 December 2023, at the invitation of State Counsellor Victoria Stoiciu, a meeting was held at the Government with representatives of civil society, trade unions, employers and representatives of the relevant ministries regarding Romania's …
read moreProper implementation of the ECtHR judgment in...
Last year, in C. v. Romania, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) condemned Romania in a case of sexual harassment at work for failing to protect the personal integrity of the applicant, a female …
read moreBridging the Gap: Investing in Women-led Organizations...
We, the members of the Regional Gender-Based Violence Working Group, the Regional Gender Taskforce and the Regional Anti-Trafficking Task Force, stand united to End the Violence Against Women and Girls, and we are collaboratively mobilizing …
As part of the support services addressed to women affected by gender-based violence (domestic violence and workplace harassment), A.L.E.G. also offers economic assistance, because a safe life also implies economic independence. Most of the time we don't make a direct connection between money and domestic violence, but financial education can play a powerful role in a …
read moreJOY – Journal of YOUth
EN (UA нижче) We want to introduce you to JOY - Journal of YOUth - an extraordinary tool for personal exploration and development. What is JOY? In a world where diversity is our common wealth, JOY is not …
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