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One in Three: Support Our Services!

Make a donation for Association for Liberty and Equality of Gender – A.L.E.G.!
LEI account RO61RNCB 0227 0360 5049 0001
EUR account RO34RNCB 0227 0360 5049 0002
Bank BCR Sibiu
Why donate?

One in three women in Romania faces physical and sexual violence at some point in life. Only one in three victims of domestic abuse reported the most severe recent incident to the police or other authority (according to the 2014 FRA Study on Violence Against Women). Children witnessing violence are marked for life. Most women simply don’t know where to turn, are too paralyzed by fear and shame, blaming themselves for their situation. This is where we can make a difference, to help them make the first steps out of violence.

Over 100 women call on our support yearly through online and offline messages as well as by telephone. We offer clarifications about the forms, causes and effects of violence, provide detailed information and step-by-step guidance through the options they have available to access their rights. Many need help applying for a protection order or legal advice and representation related to criminal proceedings. Our service provides free social, legal and psychological counseling to help women make the best choices toward safety.

Since 2014 we are the only specialized service for victims of sexual violence (rape, sexual assault) in Romania. Sexual violence is the most un-reported form of violence against women, often the victims will not speak for years about what happened, which worsens their trauma. By contacting us, survivors of rape, sexual assault or sexual harassment can access legal advice and psychological support in conditions of confidentiality, without being forced to file a formal report. Those who decide to go to court find that police and courts simply treat them better when we are advocating for their rights. They feel more empowered if they receive support and counseling during this difficult time. So we help reduce secondary victimization and this is what a raped woman often fears the most: not being believed or being blamed for what happened. Based on the understanding of the needs of the survivors A.L.E.G. is active in lobbying for improvements in public policy and legislation in the field, such as introduction of protection orders for victims of sexual violence and opening of rape crisis centers.

Help us continue these services! A.L.E.G. is a nonprofit organization and our services are mostly funded through European projects, private grants and donations. Although we are an accredited social service provider we do not get funding from the state for these services.

The funding collected from private donations last year helped us support 27 women victims of domestic and sexual violence (by paying for their forensic medical certificates, psychological and legal counselling and representation in court).

If you are a resident in Romania:
Direct 2% of your income tax to A.L.E.G.!

It is an option allowed by law that does not cost you anything. The 2% you choose to donate to our Counselling programme for victims of domestic violence can save the life of someone dear (mother, daughter, sister, friend). You can contribute to solving the problems of domestic violence victims, improving their own and their children’s life conditions. And you will be directly involved in solving your community’s problems.

A simple choice can decide where your money goes!
What you have to do

15 May 2016 is the deadline for submitting your tax statements through which you can direct 2% of the annual income tax to a nonprofit entity.

If you don’t tick this option, the respective amount is collected and managed by the state.

Depending on the source of your income, download and fill in Form 230 or Form 200, as below:

If you are an employee and all your income is represented by salaries, fill in Form 230, called “Cerere privind destinatia sumei reprezentand pana la 2% din impozitul anual” (Request on the destination of the amount representing up to 2% of the annual tax). If you don’t know what the amount corresponding to 2% of your income is, you can leave the field empty – the fiscal authorities will calculate it.

Mail Form 230 to the Fiscal Administration you belong to or submit them personally by 15 May 2016!

If you are an employee and also have other income besides your main salary or if you are self-employed, fill in Form 200 Declaratie speciala privind veniturile realizate in anul 2015” (Special form on the income of 2015).

Mail Form 200 to the Fiscal Administration you belong to or submit them personally by 15 May 2016!

For more info, please call: 040 753893531

If you have a registered business in Romania

Direct 20% of your tax on profit to our services, by signing a donation contract: Contract donatie based on Law 32/1994 for Sponsorships.

Contact us for more information contact@aleg-romania.eu !