B-SIDE:Barrier to Stop the In-door Domino Effect for children who witness domestic violence, 2014
The project B-side, a barrier to stop the indoor domino effect for children who witness domestic violence (CWDV): experiences and guidelines sought the implementation of specific interventions for the recovery of the relationship between women victims of domestic violence and their children witnesses of this violence.
The phenomenon of Children Witnessing Domestic Violence is classified among the forms of childhood abuse, and is part of the Istanbul Convention – which came into force in August 2014 and was signed by the Romanian government. However, its extent and effect is still highly underestimated, both from the point of view of social recognition, but also considering the need for an adequate response in terms of protection and care of children and their mothers, through appropriate laws and specific policies.
Objectives , comparing the experiences of different countries at European level, in order to:
– set up Recovery Programmes aimed at helping both mother and child to overcome the traumatic experience they have suffered, to rebuild their self-confidence as individuals and support the mother – child relationship as a family, in order for them to be able to face the reconstruction of their future in serenity;
– develop a single method to evaluate and monitor the impact on the beneficiaries involved in the different countries;
– promote greater knowledge and awareness of the issue in public opinion and propose new intervention methods for public workers and those in the private social sector.
The project gave the opportunity to identify both intervention and evaluation methods which can be repeated in other European countries independently of the specific conditions existing in the different context. Each partner, through a blog-forum for workers in this sector (such as employees in the Juvenile Tribunals, social services, paediatricians, school teachers, anti-violence workers) and a similar one also for the wider public, can interact and share documents and considerations, allowing others to better understand the phenomenon and the problems associated with domestic violence against women and children, as well as possible tools which can be used to stop the transmission of the violence between generations.
Here you find the final pubblication “Experiences-and-guidelines_a-barrier-to-stop-indoor-domino-effect-children-witness-domestic-violence“ where you can find the information and the activites implemented by the partners in all countries involved.
The B-SIDE Project was set up by the Pangea Foundation in partnership with other Italian and European associations: the Lilith Women’s Centre in Latina (Italy), the Association of Assistance for Sexually Abused and Gender Violence Victims A.D.A.V.A.S of Salamanca (Spain) of Salamanca (Spain), the Women’s Rights Association “NANE” in Budapest (Hungary); along with the participation as associate partner of the Association for Freedom and Equality of Sexes “A.L.E.G.” of Sibiu (Romania).
Project funded by the European Commission as part of the DAPHNE III Programme.