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The Government adopted the legislative proposal for the ratification of C190

On Thursday, 17 November 2023, the Government adopted the legislative proposal for the ratification of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 190 concerning the elimination of harassment and violence in the world of work (C190). It is now to be voted on in Parliament.

Romania’s anti-harassment legislation, public policies and institutional practices are weak and enforcement and monitoring of compliance is limited. The ratification of C190 would set in motion a mechanism through which the legislative and policy framework can be improved and its implementation better monitored.

The adoption of the legislative proposal comes just over a month after the Labour Minister announced in a meeting with civil society representatives that the legislative proposal had been sent for inter-institutional endorsement.

“We welcome the adoption of the legislative proposal by the Government and hope that the vote in Parliament will pass smoothly. All workers in Romania – and not only Romanians –  have the right to safe and healthy working environments, free from harassment and violence, and the ratification of C190 will lead to a better protection of this right”, said Georgiana Epure, President of the Association for Gender Equality and Freedom.

In early November, more than 40 non-governmental organisations, trade unions and academics called on the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities to ensure that the ratification of ILO Convention 190 on harassment and violence in the world of work (C190) will result in real protection for male and female workers against harassment, making a number of recommendations to bring the current legal framework in line with the standards of C190 and ILO Recommendation 206, which complements the ILO Convention.